Why AGS?
Over the years I have often heard the question why should we have two dairy goat registries in the United States? More recently I have heard people express the thought that the US should probably try to establish breed registries, rather than having all breeds registered in the same place. Probably, we could find a different opinion for every person who raises goats on the subject of registries and what services they should offer.Some years ago the presidents of the two registries made an effort to bring the two together into one registry, but this was not to happen. I, for one, feel that if we only had one registry for dairy goats in the United States, costs for membership, registration, and other services would probably increase very rapidly to a point past what some of us would be willing to pay.
AGS has provided and will continue to provide fast, reasonable, and somewhat personalized service to its members... I am very much interested in knowing how you feel we can improve AGS in the future…
On the other hand if you like AGS and our fast service, it might be about time to let us know how you are thinking. At little thank you note along with your next request for work, I am sure, would be appreciated…
May all of your pastures be green and all your fine, sound, purebred dairy goats find their way into the herd books of the American Goat Society. From the commentary “Why AGS” written by Roger Hall, AGS President at the time, March-April 1978 edition the News Dispatch
Fifty Five Years of A.G.S. Heritage
By Carl RomerOriginally printed in the 1979 edition of the AGS Yearbook
On August 21, 1935, breeders met in Wayland, NY and adopted this resolution: “Whereas, there is a demand for the formation of a purebred dairy goat recording association, and whereas, it is the desire of many breeders to form an association, democratic in principal, wherein, the members may have equal privileges, and whereas, there is a demand for pedigrees and production records on purebred dairy goats. Therefore be it resolved that under these principles we form such an organization to be known as the American Goat Society.”
The first meeting was held in October 1935, in Newburgh, NY. Ira Mills of Graterford, Pennsylvania presided and Don Allen was appointed as Secretary. Your writer of this treatise was a charter member. Our first animal registrations with a certificate cost us only twenty five cents each! What a contrast to present day economy!
AGS was first incorporated with a charter under the State of New York. At the merger of AGS and IDGRA, we got our charter under the State of Nebraska laws. With the untiring efforts of Carl W. Romer and Mary Shanks, this new corporation discontinued all recordation of grades.
AGS gave the industry the first association having exclusively closed herd books for each breed, to maintain the purity in each breed.
AGS brought service prices in keeping with the monetary value of Dairy Goats.
Until the days of AGS, only the parents were listed on registry certificates. AGS lists the grand parentage also. The presence of AGS in the field forced our neighbor registry to give like service as well as closing their herd books.
AGS brought the first National Shows. Recollect the one in New York in its early days under the efforts of Gladys Kite and others. Recall the outstanding one in Topeka, Kansas in 1946. Then the one in 1948, in Terre Haute, Indiana. And, have we so soon forgotten that we and our neighbor registry held a joint one in 1947 in California and the annual conventions that year were at the same sight.
It was AGS that first brought judges training to the industry. It began about 1949 with Carl Romer in charge. Through the years, Mrs. Lucy Tyler, J. Willet Taylor and Alice Hall and other were added to the staff.
AGS was the first to promote artificial insemination for dairy goats. AGS cooperating with the Missouri University goes back probably as early as 1945 in this work. Believing that conformation as well as potency for production was essential in any artificial insemination program, AGS through Lucy Tyler arranged with Dr. Barker to classify all of the bucks at stud in Canada for collection of semen.
This brings us to the point that it was AGS that brought classification by conformation to the industry. It was in operation by 1946 and at the joint National Show in California in 1947, it met with such enthusiasm with members of both registries that Lucy Tyler was called upon for more classification services than she could perform.
AGS was the first to promote Goat Milk Scoring on a national basis. The first major research on the “Nature and Potency of Goat Milk” was done with AGS backing the efforts of Pennsylvania Dairy Goat Association. The project was “A Preliminary Nutrition Study of the Value of Goats Milk in the Diet of Children”.
AGS is the only American registry for dairy goats that has published an educational and informational Yearbook. In its early history, AGS began an official publication owned and operated by the registry itself which is another first for dairy goats. —the AGS Periodic News Dispatch (The Voice of AGS).
From its inception, AGS has always had an Advanced Registry and Dairy Herd Improvement Program second to none on the basis of production testing. Soon after Carl Romer became Secretary he was able to make computer service for official testing available to all herds in all states - - a service which had not been attempted before by any registry.
Carl W. Romer
Highlights from 74 Years of Conventions
1935 – Newburgh, NY, first convention1937 - Columbia, MO, John Brox chosen as Secretary, also serves in same capacity for IDGRA
1944 - Columbus, Ohio; 10th different large city to host the AGS convention, office currently in Columbia, Missouri; no one day test program; Only purebred dairy goats should be registered. A grade system of recording through pedigree and production is included in AGS services.
1946 - Topeka, KS, Classification by conformation operational
1963 - Junior memberships approved for members under 18 years of age on the same basis and with the same restrictions and privileges as is now granted to 4H persons if one or both parents of said Junior member applicant have regular memberships in AGS; Minimum of $1 per order even if less than $1
1964 - Unity Village, Mo., Prospective Judges in addition to participating in one or more AGS training conferences or schools and passing the written examination, must supply three "character-personality references from persons considered reputable by the directors"; Yearly dues are $2 per year and are due January 1; Buyers Guide advertising prices are $1.50 for a listing or $2 per inch for column space; The secretary thanked Lucy Tyler for gaining recognition of AGS registry with the Canadian National Live Stock Registry through her own efforts and funding.
1965 - Kansas City, KS; next yearbook theme will be Line breeding due to demand for material; All officers and committee personnel should remit dues no later than Jan 1; an audit of the books was reported done by an audit committee of directors; Continuance of procedure and rates for registering from certificates other than AGS and for assigning AR and Star earned awards where certificates are not especially applied for was voted and approved; (Absentee director ballots were used in votes to determine board action); Motion to consolidate into one unit all past amendments to the constitution to make for ease and convenience and to save costs in periodic reports to the states of charter and operation. Motion passed with mandate to present it to the membership for adoption; Judging Demonstration by Professor J Willet Taylor; Seminars on AI techniques, Judging, the A.I.C. Program in India (use of cashmere in weaving project), and Progress in Dairying
1967 - Abilene, Texas; an assortment of applications and other written documents for office use were presented to the board; Show rules that were expiring this year were to be continued until change by future directorate action.
1968 - East Lansing, Michigan; use of bulk mail permit to begin Jan 1, 1969; Transfer of ownership and revision fees $1 for members at time of registration, $2 for non-members; approved purchase of fireproof safes to safeguard AGS records initiated with donations requested; Seminars were on Ketosis, abscesses, us of urea in goat nutrition, digestion in the goat, the value and threat of imitation dairy products, the use of the dairy goat in research, and dairying in Brazil.
1969 - Fayetteville, AR; fee for official show sanction shall be $7.50; Annual entry fee for herd on production test: $3 plus 0.06 per animal over 15 head plus any other Center fees paid by AGS for the herd owner thus making charges more equitable for all; Faulting sheet gone over with AGS judges at Judges forum with possible revision planned.
1970 - Corvallis, Oregon; Approval on purchase on major equipment; cost of 5 generation pedigree certificate increased from $1.50 to $2.50; Study to combine AR and Star certificates and adopt if practical; Advertising committee created; membership stickers, decals including a good milker and good udder, Yearbooks available, Booklets of Breed Standards, Booklet on Genetics and Line breeding, Miracles of Goat Milk, Blessed are we who know, and Pictured one Goats, the most economical Milk Supply were displayed to members and available from the office; New equipment purchased was listed-fire proof safe, Minnesota Mining Co Duplication Machine, full battery of addressograph machines, three near new elaborate typing machines (electric) with adequate new metal filing cabinets and desks; Membership is at about 700; Class A Advanced Registry is still available; It is breeders responsibility to get production records to the office; Judges forum on changes made in the Faulting program. Teaching aid on The Good Points of a Dairy Goat slide show using a projection lantern was demonstrated and hands on by participants.
1971 - Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, OK; Noted that Lucy Tyler died 9/05. Known as the "Dean of all N. American Dairy Goat Judges", an international Judge, Classifier, a Charter and life Member of AGS that held every office but sec.; Joint AR and star certificates available if an animal earns both. Certificates will be numbered; Resolution was drafted for presentation to discourage unethical practice of showing as purebred animals that show definite characteristics of more than one breed; Judges training conference held/24 students; the following to be added to the Judges and Breeders guide to proper evaluation in Faulting: White French Alpines shall NOT be disqualified NOR shall ANY deduction be ALLOWED or TOLERATED for this color; The official changes are binding and obligatory on all Judges EVEN in DUAL Sanctioned show and ALL Violations shall be considered a very serious offense.
1972 - Stephenville, Texas; Life membership will be offered at $50; Show Sanction raised to $10; Secretary's report-total income $77874.57; Committee to investigate setting up closed herd books for LaManchas; Judges Examination and Credentials committee formed with Alice Hall as Chair; A new AGS Judges and Breeders Training Manual was presented.
1973 - San Diego, California
1974 - Bowling Green, Kentucky; Income-$7694.53; 2814 goats registered; Judges of Junior age shall not be discriminated against because of age; Compulsory tattooing for registry died for lack of a motion; New judges will work under another experienced judge for two shows; LaMancha committee-Any animal which is not eligible to the LaMancha registry July 31, 1974 not be included. The number of generations is to be negotiated between the board and the committee; new Classifiers-Alice Hall and Muhr
1975 - Springfrield, Mo; Pygmy goats recognized as the 6th Dairy goat breed; LaMancha herd book began registering purebred LaManchas; Dues raised to $4 beginning; 5 Generation pedigrees will be $5 for members and $10 for non-members; Show sanctions which include 5 Championship rosettes will be raised to $15; AGS members are strongly urged to tattoo their animals before they are registered; AGS members who show mostly in ADGA shows may send to the office for a few Award certificates to be signed by the ADGA judges when an AGS doe wins. They will serve as verification of a win towards a Master Championship.
1976 - El Cajon, California; over 1000 members reported; AGS is in the black and from now on the Secretary's expenses will be paid to convention; AGS will offer $50 cash for championship trophies and a free sanction to the fair that sponsors the AGS National show; AGS to start registering Pygmies as certified by NPGA (Pygmy breed club) and herd book will close December 31, 1978 so those on progeny test can finish; AGS is accepting a request from the Government of India through USDA for technical aid in setting up a goat registry; a tellers committee will count ballots to take the load off the office
1977 - Stephenville, Texas; Reserve and Junior Champion rosettes will be added to the AGS show packet at no additional cost for this year; $175 additional money was put toward the National Show in Springfield, Mo; Board consensus that it would be better not to have a National show every year and to make ones that are held, really good; Two amendments to the const were approved to send to the membership. One is to allow ADGA members to be AGS board members. The other is to allow a quorum (five) of directors to make decisions without resorting to a written ballot to directors; Drafted a letter to send to Dairy Goat Journal indication willingness to work with it in dairy goat promotion and pleading ignorance of whatever circumstances let to the era of non-cooperation; Printing of new publication authorized, You Are Important to the Dairy Goat When You Work With AGS; The Promotions and Publication committee is to be used to promote dairy goats and AGS; Members should send a list of dead animals to the office to keep records up to date; Mandatory tattooing will be brought to the membership; Classification and Evaluation Seminar held May 7/8. 66 attended. Evaluation is for grade goats. 43 AGS goats were classified. Speaker Alice Hall is the nation’s only dual classifier for dairy goats.
1978 - Wayne Hamrick hired as secretary-treasurer to begin 12-1-78
1979 - Wichita, Kansas; New judges manual containing the breed standard will sell for $3; milk production testing-Testing with AGS-$6, non-members-$8. AR and Star-$3 each, or $5 at the same time, non-members $6 or $10 at the same time; Director stipend of $50 for attending convention: Approval to give the secretary a 10% bonus from date to Jan 1; Pygmy herd books to close on Dec 31, 1979. (Progeny testing was still allowed after that time for a year or two)
1981 - Springfield, Missouri; Rush order fee will be 50% of the total order; Transfer fees will be $1.50; Herd name registry fee will be $5; Five generation pedigrees will be $7.50; Possible Sable registry discussed. No action; AGS Pygmy herd book closed to NPGA Pygmies; $500 will be disbursed to the AGS National Show committee; $100 will be allocated for AGS convention; One day milk test conducted through AGS fee if $5; Dispatch will be quarterly instead of bi-monthly.
1982 - Tulsa, Oklahoma; Creation of DHI committee; Motion by John Howland that New officers are elected at the end of the Board meetings passed; star processing is $3 whether a certificate is requested or not; Judges Training school fees to be-Audit-$10, $15 for school and practice, $25 for school, test and application with intent to become a judge; Persons buying show sanctions have the option of ribbons at $22.50 or certificates for $15 to be re-evaluated at convention 1983.
1983 - Stephenville, Texas; Any time the office of secretary is discussed, the secretary will be present; The Dispatch will be bi-monthly; Clarence McCray to be the coordinator between AGS and ADGA; The newsletter will be called the "Voice of AGS" instead of the Dispatch; Ribbons be discontinued with certificates taking their place for 1984; Nigerian Dwarf registrations were to be studied and questions answered with a report to the board for a vote whether to accept them for registry in AGS; Sable herd book opened. Motion read" AGS register as purebred Sable, the colored offspring of registered purebred Saanens, or any goat of a color other than cream or white that has an "E" (not "GE") ADGA number provided that registration certificate have been submitted to prove that all ancestors are purebred Saanens; Fee to join AGS to be $10 to join and annual dues to stay $5; One day test fees will be $5 plus $2 per animal with the responsibility of notifying each breeder of results; Fee to process the "+" on a buck will be $10; Non-member rates will be as follows: Non-member registration-$10, Transfers to or from non-members-$10, Members registered herd name-$10.
1984 - Springfield, Mo/50th anniversary; Shows must have and AGS sanction to get AGS credit on an animal; Life Membership increased to $100; Secretary/treasurer is granted permission to draw money from reserve funds as needed up to $3000 without consulting the board; No yearbook will be printed due to lack of support from members; Pamphlet "Dairy Goats" will be revised and reprinted
1985 - Birmingham, Alabama; Rate increases- Member-$10, Junior Membership-$5, Life-$100, Transfer to new owner-$2.50 (non-member-$10), Revision of certificate-$1, Five Generation Pedigree-$15, duplicate certificate-$2.50, Rush orders-surcharge of 50% of total order added, Annual DHI herd fee-$6, Process doe's AR (302day test)$3, Process doe's star (one day or progeny) $3, Combination of AR and star-$5, Process buck's AR or plus-$10, Group one day test-$5 per owner, $1 per animal, One Day test permit (at the farm, one owner) $5. Show sanctions "Single breed-$20, two or more breeds-$40. Master Champion Certificate (three official wins) $2, judging schools-Audit fee-$10, Practice fee-$25, official participant-$35. Annual license renewal for judges-$2, Herd name registration-$10, Tattoo registration-free on written request (all animals must be tattooed), classification process fee, certificate included-$3, Publications: Voice of AGS-free to members, Pamphlets-3-5 cents each or $2-$2.75 per hundred, Older yearbooks and other books, $1-$2 each, Official Breeders and Judges Manual, $3, Decals, $.50, Membership Roster-free to members (non-member, $2); National Shows will receive from AGS $2 per animal entered up to $500; Extend closing of Nigerian Dwarf herd books until January 1, 1986; Tattooing is mandatory for every goat registered in AGS, starting January 1, 1986; Youth committee formed.
1986 - Alpine, California; AGS will offer a scholarship of $250. Rules will be formulated and the first award will be in1987-88 school year; Deadlines for nominations to be received will be March 15, to go to the office by April 30 so ballots can be sent out May 15; Three directors were appointed to a committee to work on re-districting; Committee registration of Nigerian Dwarves will continue until December 31, 1986.
1987 - Seguin Texas; Scholarship application approved with age added-Under 21 years of age as of Jan 1; Youth classes submitted in 1986 approved with the addition of a cover letter to allow shows to modify classes as needed. The classes were Team fitting, Costume, and Judging; Revised Nigerian Breed standard as presented by Robert Barrett approved; Nigerian Dwarf herd book to remain open until Jan.1, 1990.
1988 - Springfield Missouri; First AGS Scholarship award-Delinda Volskay, Carthage Missouri ($250); Proxy votes for absent directors are not allowed; Constitutional revision to drop the word Dairy from the purpose statement, Article II. (Failed in full membership vote); First By-laws adopted; Amendment to Article 7, section 3 to read" Meeting-Acceptance of a Directorship obligates the director to attend annual meetings if possible. Directors shall notify the AGS office whether or not they shall attend the meeting at least 10 days in advance. Directors shall attend the meeting in person only. Neither proxy nor substitute persons shall be allowed; Acceptance of "Wooden Leg" animals for registry in AGS tabled.
1989 - Stephenville, Texas; A $2.00 handling fee will be charged any time the office need to write someone back when work has been sent in with errors or omissions which are the sender's fault; Annual dues will increase. Member-$15 on renewals only, if they are paid by January 1st, the member gets a $5.00 discount (members who pay by January 1st will pay $10.00). New members must pay $15.00 but payment anytime Oct 1st will grant a membership through December 31st of the following year; Life Memberships will be $150; The Nigerian Dwarf Herd book will be open until December 31, 1992; Complaint procedure adopted; John Howland was appointed as AGS secretary/treasurer
1990 - Springfield, Missouri; The $15 Membership dues entitled the member to, without any extra charge, four newsletters (Voice of AGS), a membership roster and a yearbook, all to be financed through the general fund, with continued help from advertising and donations; Nigerian Dwarf breed standard for bucks height raised to 23”; If a judge allows his/her license to lapse by two years, it will not be valid and that person will have to start over by attending another Judges Training School; Non AGS judges must use the AGS scorecard when judging AGS shows; The Central Texas Dairy Goat Association Registry is not recognized as a registry by AGS and animals from it cannot be accepted by AGS for registration; By-law that should AGS become defunct, any balance in the AGS accounts after all final bills are paid shall go to the Scholarship fund.
1991 - Little Rock, Arkansas; Judges license renewal fees are $5; Show sanction will be $20 and each additional breed is $5; Nigerian Dwarf herd books will be open until December 31, 1997; Secretary-Treasurers salary will continue at $350 per month; All spending limits for the secretary-treasurer and; the office has a discretionary limit for spending without board approval of $500 annually; For the AGS National Show in 92, AGS will pay $4 per animal with a maximum of $1000 for premium money.
1992 - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma-1040 animals registered with AGS in 1991, Alice Hall awarded Judge Emeritus (AGS judge since 1965) Alice Hall is an AGS classifier as well; The cost to file a complaint with the AGS office is $50; New judges and judges renewing their license will be required to buy the latest edition of the Judges Manual; The evidence of myatonia (fainting) listed as a disqualification in all breed standards of all AGS registered animals; The AGS Scholarship be increased from $250 to $500 annually starting in 1993; A directive to the nominations committee not to run spouses for board seats when possible.
1993 - Alpine California; 1248 animals were registered in 1992; Letters of recommendation for Judges training/licensing deleted; Clarification that naturally polled Nigerians are acceptable for registration; Ray Greer was awarded a lifetime Judges license, since he has been a judge in good standing for 25 years and a classifier as well; AGS will not accept transfers from the Canadian Goat Society until further clarification of their breed registry requirements; Descriptions of animals on registration applications should be limited to 70 letters and space; Microchip identification of individual animals is accepted instead of tattoos.
1994 - Granbury, Texas; Three new booklets/manuals were presented to the Board for approval. The new Judges Manual is for judges only, will contain information pertaining to judging, and replaces the old Breeders and Judges Training Manual. Show Rules is already separate, will be updated with new rules. The new How to Sponsor and Show in AGS will be re-typed by Terry Florence and will contain information on sponsoring a show, applying for sanctions, following rules and setting up classes. All three documents are covered in green to indicate new, current show documents.
1995 - Greeley Colorado; Lincoln Donation was discussed and awards; John Howland reported that Semen would be sent to Macedonia in conjunction with Heifer International to aid upgrading goat production; Correspondence to establish B herd books to upgrade animals by Jean New was read; motion by Lynn McAdoo for AGS to remain a purebred only registry re the constitution passed; Motion by Sandi Liska that all AGS judges sign a loyalty oath passed; IDGR animals registered as purebred Nigerian Dwarfs may be submitted for consideration by the AGS ND committee for registration in the AGS ND herd book.
1996 - Springfield, Missouri; Show rules clarified and approval of printing of a new Show Rules book with revisions; ADGA judges will need to take a test on the Miniature breeds before Judging; LaMancha committee established to review LaMancha registrations for inclusion or exclusion in the AGS herd books; Scholarships raised to $750 per year. Application altered; Nigerian Dwarf breed standards effective immediately (Fall-1996) The maximum height of the Nigerian Dwarf will be the same as the Pygmy-does-22.4 inches and bucks-23.6 inches. Remove from the breed standard "the desired height is 16" to 18" for does and 18" to 20" inches for bucks; Remove from the breed standard "though silver agouti is considered a moderate fault". Animals born without horns and are naturally hornless will have an "h" after their registration number to denote the fact; Sandi Liska was approved as a classifier by the present classifiers.
1997 - Amsterdam, New York; The height of miniature breed Grand and Reserve Champions must be recorded on the Show Report; AGS collection forms must be used when collecting bucks. The form is necessary for registering offspring; Dues must be paid by Jan 1 in order to run for any office; IDGR Pygmies can enter the herd book the same as NPGA Pygmies; Minimum milk and protein requirements for stars for the miniature were approved; The Mrs. JC Lincoln Awards established.
1998 - Corvallis, Oregon; stars for oversize animals will be processed with height recorded and an OH designation added to the permanent registration certificate; Rush Order fee and option reinstated (double the normal fee). Pre-paid packaging must be included for a return other than USPS mail; DHIR test permit is $6 herd fee charge with $1 per doe; One day group permit is $25 paid 30 days in advance of the date for the one day test. Fees are double if paid less than 30 days in advance. There is no limit to the number of animals on test; formation of a committee to research the feasibility, costs and software needs to computerize AGS records; Current AGS secretary/treasurer will be compensated for flights, accommodations, and rental or personal car expenses at the current IRS rate; An AGS website will be developed; DHIR Rules and Procedures approved; Board stipend increased $50 to $100 (under 500 miles) and $200 (over 500 miles); An AGS Handbook with all known rules and policies will be generated for distribution to all members
1999 - Denton, Texas; John Howland retired as AGS secretary; Re-registration of purebred Pygmies registered with IDGR, NPGA, or CGS with a P designation; Re-registration of LaManchas on ADGA face value of registration papers that show production records, show records or AGS animals in the first three generations as long as no animals on the paper is designated GL or E; addition to show rule C-11, "the signature of the owner/agent verifies that all information pertaining to the animal has been copied correctly from the registration certificate."; A CPA shall count the election ballots and be made an honorary member of AGS; Family membership created, A family group registering under one herd name entitled to one vote. Any family member my register animals and sign show reports; the officers of the Society shall be a Board of Directors, a President and a Vice is trained; Budget item in the 2000 budget approved to purchase a computer system to be used in the AGS office with purchase early in Jan 2000
2000 - Raleigh, North Carolina; due to the 4+ week turnaround time of paperwork, an addition to show rules adopted to allow kids under 6 months of age to be shown with a stamped duplicate; allowance of ADGA animals to receive a leg in AGS if re-registered with AGS within 30 days of the show date. Allowances of AGS animals to receive an AGS leg for an ADGA or CGS win. Documentation is required of the win for either situation and a $5 win processing fee; approval of e-mail as a type of mail for mail ballots; Membership dues received in the last quarter of the year (October 1-December 31) will continue membership until the end of the following year; Stipend for Director attendance at annual Board meeting increased $50, to $150 for under 500 miles and $250 for over 500 miles effective immediately; director election ballots to be sent first class mail, in the past they were sent bulk rate; All AGS committee members must now be members of AGS; Judy reported there are 487 members to date, her estimate is 800 plus by the end of 2000, office is receiving an average of 10 plus envelopes per day and her goal that papers go out no more than 3 weeks after arrival.
2001 - Albuquerque, New Mexico; Microchip policy for hand book approved. All animals submitted for registration must have some form of permanent identification. AGS currently recognizes tattoos or microchips. ANY animal registered MUST be assigned a tattoo sequence from the herd of origin regardless of whether the animal is microchipped or not. It is not required that BOTH forms of ID be done at the time of registration, but the tattoo sequence MUST be listed on the application to provide and accurate alternative form of permanent ID for the animals in the event it is sold to a "non-micro chipping" herd. In the case of verifying show wins, either form of ID is accepted. The ID read shall exactly match the same ID on the animal’s registration certificate; Tattoo sequence of the breeder is required on all registration applications to identify the herd of origin; any herd name registered with AGS is permanently owned; Transfer fees. If a member/owner submits paperwork, the fees will be at member rates; Registration fees increased. Does under 30 months-$4.50. Does 30 months or older-$7.00. Bucks under 24 months-$7.00. Bucks 24 months or older-$10. Wethers at any age-$4.50; Doe only service memos accepted; AI/Embryo policy-Transplant embryos will submit the required form and need approval by the committee for the animal to be registered. No Grandfathering allowed; acceptance of the training of ADGA judges with experience in judging the miniature breeds on one day licenses (or by taking the miniature course/passing the test) and becoming a member of AGS to be a licensed AGS judge; publication of AGS Yearbooks suspended; Senior membership created; Best Udder ribbons will be complementary of AGS and the Mrs. JC Lincoln CD interest; Age limit on scholarship requirements dropped; Two scholarships were awarded- ($500 each)
2002 - Kerrville, Texas; Annual dues rose across the board by $5. Policy that renewal dues received by Jan 1 for the following year will receive a $5 discount. Individual-$20, Junior-$10, Senior-$15, Family $30, Affiliate-$30, Life-$155; Lincoln Dairy Herd awards will be available at any AGS sanctioned show. Requirements changed to 4 or more herds with 4 or more does per herd and at least 4 different herd owners; National Shows will be all breed shows - National Specialty shows are no longer accepted; Only meeting highlights will be printed in the Voice; A Data Management (DM) committee was created; One day licenses will no longer be issued except under extreme circumstances; Judges licenses lapse after March 15, and renewal after that date is by taking the Judges Training School; Secretary-Treasurer salary set at 45% of AGS income from Membership, Registrations and Transfers; National Show/Convention Guidelines adopted; Faxed requests for a stamped duplicate require a $1 fee; Convention and National show do not have to be held together.
2003 - Delaware, Ohio; NPGA pygmies will not be accepted for re-registry in AGS after December 31, 2004; Champion Challenge classes for junior does approved; AGS recognizes only multi-breed registry, that are not privately owned, registration certificates to re-register animals in the AGS herd books. (NPGA excluded until 12-31-04); Nomination committee membership changed to three directors not up for re-election the year of the election; Newly elected Directors will take office immediately prior to the annual Board meeting; Incumbent directors will no longer automatically be listed on the election ballot if they want to run for the seat. All candidates will go through the nomination process with the two qualified candidates with the most nominations being on the ballot; Clarification and written policy/procedure for AGS does on an ADGA official; One Day Milk Test. AGS does may receive credit and earn a star with data from an official ADGA One Day Milk test if copies of the completed ADGA One Day Official Milk Test form and lab results are sent to the AGS DHI coordinator immediately after the test and lab results are available. AGS doe information forms must be completed. This can be done prior or post test.
2004 – Stillwater, Oklahoma; minimum height requirement removed from the pygmy breed standard; all breed registration certificates will now have a standard AGS purple border - phased in as the current supply of certificates for each breed is depleted; The board set a member credit limit of $25 stating that: The maximum a requestor (member) can owe AGS is $25. Once a debt of $25 is incurred, no further work shall be processed until the debt is resolved. Orders received for an account flagged for the maximum allowed debit shall be placed in the pending files, and any funds received applied to the balance; judges committee will now be comprised of 2/3 judges and 1/3 other members; classification committee was created to be comprised of 2/3 classifiers and 1/3 other members; Tattoo registration is free of charge with a registration of a herd name. Requests for tattoo registration are normally processed with herd name registration but there may be instances when a breeder may for some reason need to change their assigned tattoo. All tattoo assignments are unique to each herd name; voting record of each Director be included in the VOICE; Win Notification Cards will no longer be sent out with the show boxes, but instead will be processed and sent from the office; office will soon have a dedicated fax line; classifications will now be done on triplicate forms so that members will have a copy for their own records; The fax fee has been changed from $1.00 to $2.00. This fee is per fax, not per page. Stamped duplicates will now be a charged service, and will be $1.00 per stamped duplicate in addition to the regular registration fee; Keith Harrell to become the 4th AGS Classifier.
2005 - West Springfield, MA; Bylaws were revised and will be presented to the membership for approval; history committee to seek other, local options for donation and safeguarding of old herd books; a code of ethics accepted for all board members to agree to, sign and have on file at the office with the purpose of reminding us of our role as your representatives and obligation to the organization; life membership raised to $200 beginning January 1, 2006, a card will be routinely sent to life members who have become inactive to continue their membership; The Board agreed to maintain the current situation and not require directors to currently own and register animals with AGS; Directors unanimously agreed to pay the following stipends for attendance by Directors at the annual Board meeting: traveling 250 miles or less--$200; traveling between 250-500 miles--$250; traveling 500-1000 miles--$300; and traveling more than $1000--$350. Travel is based on the address of membership. In addition, it was agreed that Directors must attend a majority of the Board meeting to receive the stipend; The Board unanimously agreed to pay all of the required expenses incurred by the Office Manager to attend convention; Mileage will be paid at the current IRS approved rate; The Board agreed to increase the fee for an incoming fax to $2.00 plus 50 cents per page to help defray our costs; Board authorized purchase of a second office computer; certificate revision fee raised from $1.00 to $2.50; Show Rules. The Board will request the committee to make a complete review and recommendations regarding show rules.
2006 - Duncan, OK - AGS currently has 1056 active members, with 220 of those being new to AGS. Gail Putcher awarded an honorary life membership, Eddie Fugate and Jean New awarded status of Director Emeriti, revision of breed standards approved, classification forms revised to reflect changes previously made to the scorecard, new judges training manual approved, postage and handling fee to help offset the increasing cost of postage and materials established approved.
2007 - AGS currently has 1,272 active members, classification committee welcomed Director Flickinger as AGS’s newest classifier, following wording added to our current policy on the AGS National show and its judges. “Any judge who has not renewed their license prior to January 1st (the regular deadline), cannot be considered as judge for the National Show, nor any show held in conjunction with the National event.” charge the Youth committee with coming up with a proposal regarding wether sanctions. New policy read as follows: Accepting ADGA/CGS titles: “When an animal is re-registered in AGS, coming from another registry (ADGA/CGS), sometimes that animal has other symbol designations for production awards such as *M or *B etc. Such symbols are granted by other registries. AGS recognizes the animals previously earned production awards if the other organization has standards that equal those of AGS. AGS does not recognize other registries show titles.” “ AGS retain the requirement that an animal must receive at least 1 official leg at an AGS sanctioned show, however that leg may be a restricted leg.” discontinue printing of transfers on the backside of registration certificates. For a $2 fee an AGS member may request in writing to receive a print out of their animal(s) recorded show wins.
2008 - Rohnert Park, California – Approved the following: Separate the General Fund 2 (GF2) and scholarship funds at their due date, unless there is a financially compelling reason to keep them together. Sent the recommendation to reopen the Pygmy herd book back to the Breed and Registration committee and request further information as well as get membership input before reconsidering. Allow for use in milk test digital scales that weighs in tenths of a lb and meets our other criteria. To require that late show sanctions be accepted no later than 30 days before the event. To accept the recommendation for the Youth Wether Sanction Guidelines, striking #5. Redistricting proposal from the committee. To change the Judges and Classification committee rules to “make an effort to have our Judges and classification committee have 2/3 judges or classifiers and 1/3 non judges and non classifiers.” To charge the Breeds and Registration committee with developing a proposal for opening an American herd book. To send the roster first class to new members in their original packet, but prior members who renew after February 15 not receive it, but have the option of paying $5.00 to receive it. To increase the stipend by $100 for directors attending the annual board meeting $100, effective immediately.
Director Gayle Nelson was a major contributor to this section. Much of the work of assembling the historical records from the conventions prior to 2004 was performed by her.